The 4 of July 1766 Colonists of Recruiter Le Roy, arrived from Luebeck by the Luebeck’s ship “Der Jager” with the skipper Gabriel Wild. Among the colonists on this ship were my ancestors too: Wasching /Fashing Michael, Breder Michael, Kuengler / Gülgler / Kitschler Kilian and Klug (Krug) Johann. All of them settled in Rownaya / Seelmann on the Wolga in 1767. “Klug Johann, cath, farmer from Fulda, doc. No 2154, wife: Maria, children: Johann Jacob, 13, Johann Georg 9, Johann 6, Maria 14, Anna 7, Magdalena, 2” Igor Pleve „Lists of colonists to Russia in 1766 „Reports by Ivan Kulberg“. Георгий...
14 of September 1766. Preqourt's colonists, arrived from Luebeck by the Luebeck's galliot «DER JAN» with the skipper Markus Dragun. Aqua Johann, Cath., merchant from Mainz, doc. No. 5671, wife: Marianna, children: Johann Baptist, 20, Maria Appolonia, 21. (14 сентября 1766, прибыли из Любека на любекском галиоте «Дер Ян», со шкиппером Маркусом Драгуном. Аква Иоганн, католик. купец из Майнца, документ 5671. Жена: Марианна. Дети: Иоганн Баптист, 20,...