У Иоганна Генриха Сабельфельда 1806 г. р. и его жены Марии Софии Дизендорф одним из сыновей был Иоганн Готлиб Сабельфельд 4 июня 1828 – 1898. Его жена: Маргарита Вормсбехер приблизительно 1829 г. р. Родителями Маргариты Вормсбехер были Иоганн Петер Вормсбехер (Johann Peter Wormsbecher) приблизительно 1804 г. р. и Мария Елизабет (Maria Elisabetha) Miller/Mueller 1796. Вормсбехеры...
The 4 of July 1766 Colonists of Recruiter Le Roy, arrived from Luebeck by the Luebeck’s ship “Der Jager” with the skipper Gabriel Wild. Among the colonists on this ship were my ancestors too: Wasching /Fashing Michael, Breder Michael, Kuengler / Gülgler / Kitschler Kilian and Klug (Krug) Johann. All of them settled in Rownaya / Seelmann on the Wolga in 1767. “Klug Johann, cath, farmer from Fulda, doc. No 2154, wife: Maria, children: Johann Jacob, 13, Johann Georg 9, Johann 6, Maria 14, Anna 7, Magdalena, 2” Igor Pleve „Lists of colonists to Russia in 1766 „Reports by Ivan Kulberg“. Георгий...
It’s me at the top, on the right. I'm a little more than 7 years old there. Behind me was at that time my move from Sakhalin island, Russia, where I was born in 1951, to Kazakhstan in 1956. I don't remember how much time our family spent on this trip, but probably not more than two weeks. But it's nothing compared to what two of my ancestors went through with their parents in 1766: Eva Margareta Herget (27.12.1761, Böhl, Germany), my five times great-grandmother on the paternal side, and Maria Margaretha Breder (04.10.1761, Darstadt, Bavaria, Germany), my four times great-grandmother...
Sturmfedersches Schloss in Dirmstein, Pfalz, Germany I trace my ancestry and build my family tree, by studying the records of my ancestors in the archives of Germany and Russia. My ancestors: Sewald from Dirmstein, Pfalz, Germany. 1. Sebald (Sebold) Christophorus, (Imbst/Tyrol … – 1719, Dirmstein) – wife: Eretz Barbara (Diöz. Bamberg … – 1735, Dirmstein) – son: Sebald Carolus. 2. Sebald Carolus (22.04. 1716, Dirmstein — ? Sewald, Russia) – wife: Catharina Weingartin (16.10.1729, Dirmstein — ? Sewald, Russia). – son: Sebald Johann. 3. Sewald Johann (Johannes)...