Записи с меткой "my mother's side"

Specht's name in my family tree (my mother's side)

Among the ancestors of my grandmother Elisabeth Beil, née Rau, 1885, is Maria Caroline Specht, her father is Elias Specht, born 1750, from Bamberg, Bavaria. Birth and Marriage registers in the colony of Seelmann / Rovnoje, Russia include the following information: (approximately translation) 29.01.1845. Married, Andreas Raab from Rownoje and Barbara Roppel from Kochetnaja. His parents: Michael Raab and Margareta Miller. Her parents: Wenceslaus Roppel and Maria Carolina Specht. 24.11.1870. Peter Rau, 18 years and Susanna Raab, 17 years. His parents: Friedrich Rau and Elisabeth Denk. Her parents:... 

Опубликовано 28 Ноябрь 2019.   Комментарии: 0.   Читать запись полностью »
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